5 Secret and Horrendous Signs She's Just Wasting Your Time
"STOP complimenting random women and giving them predictable and unfettered attention. The only women you should be complimenting are the women who are in a relationship with you. She's not your girlfriend, she's not your wife, and you won't stand out to her with all your compliments."

I thought I'd write a followup post for men this evening to go along with my previous post for women entitled, "5 Major Signs He's Wasting Your Time and Why You Should Dump Him," as it's sorely needed.
It's no mystery men could use a lot more help in this department as the friendzone epidemic continues to spiral out of control in today's dating climate.
On Instagram today, I made a reel highlighting the 5 signs a woman's wasting your time while you decide to keep hanging out with her anyway:
- She friendzones you and uses you for dinners and freebies.
- She isn't physically attracted to you and rejects your advances.
- She parades other guys, especially "guy friends" in your face.
- She tells you she thinks of you like a brother.
- You've never asked her out and it's been months, even years of her stringing you along.
And unfortunately, it goes a whole hell of a lot deeper than what's listed above. Way deeper.
So let's get started on how you can find out if she's secretly wasting your time in many other ways that might not be readily apparent to you and how you can avoid it happening to you now and in the future: