5 Ways You May Be Pushing People Away and They Don't Want a Relationship
"This is NOT going to help you find the relationship you want. People are now more sensitive to this urgency in others than ever before because they are being confronted with it in all the people they date."

The above infographic is from my book I'm currently working on that will be released very soon that is going to help you find that beautiful relationship you want and deserve.
I'd like you to take a moment to glance over this list of maladies you are confronting in the dating arena–and try to be completely honest with yourself about whether or not you may be guilty of committing these numerous dating faux pas.
If these seem all too familiar to you, it's great that you are acknowledging you could use a few adjustments in your behavior with the opposite sex. This will take you very far because anyone who is not doing any of what is listed above is going to want to connect with others who are also not doing any of what's listed above.
Like attracts like. Water seeks its own level. Birds of a feather flock together. You get the idea don't you?
For now, I have 5 additional dating and relationship faux pas that you might be guilty of that are preventing people from wanting a relationship with you.
Let's take a look: