A Man Will Do ALL of These Things If He Really Likes You

"He will disclose his feelings for you and he won't be afraid to tell you that he cares about you. In fact, he might say, 'Duh. How could not think I feel this way about you? Isn't it obvious?"

A Man Will Do ALL of These Things If He Really Likes You

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Now, let's get down to business in discussing all the things a man will do when he really likes you...

First, women have to do away with the mentality that a guy doing the bare minimum means he likes them and is taking them seriously. And this is how they should start:

1) Sexual attention from a man means nothing. NOTHING. In fact, I would classify that mere sexual attention, wherein he is expressing that type of attention to you only, is laughable. You are dead in the water with any man who appears to only express himself to you sexually.

2) A guy who is not willing to step up and put in real effort is also a dead end. Men put in effort for women they care about and want to be with. Here's some examples of how:

  • He gives you as much as time as he is able. That means that if he has the afternoon off, he will make an effort to spend the whole afternoon with you until he has to leave and tend to his other obligations. He will spend time with you in person or he will call, Facetime, text and he will initiate the contact with you.
  • He is thoughtful in how he wants to spend time with you. He may not be like those cheesy simp guys in the movies who pull out all the Hallmark Network stops, but he will do his best to make a sincere effort. And he will be sure to put some signature/finishing touches on the effect he wants to create in planning something special for you.

And below, you will explore more in-depth how a man will show you he really likes you. If he is doing any of the following, you are headed (very quickly) for a serious, committed relationship: