More Weight Loss Tips for Women That Actually Work "A lot of women straight up want you to be fat. I do not. I'm not a jealous, sabotaging ahole towards other women and I think it's exceedingly important for women to lose weight and keep it off so they can have great self-esteem and look fantastic."
How to Vet a Man to See If He's Virtuous "It's important that women start screening these guys early and often. Thus, you won't have to waste any of your precious time, resources and fertility on a non-committal tirekicker, time-wasting loser."
Masculine Characteristics That Women Find Very Attractive "They think money makes the man because they never learned how to be men. Masculinity cannot be bought. Love and respect from a woman cannot be bought. Balls and character cannot be bought."
Why You're Doing So Badly With Women and How to Fix It Forever "Millions of men are in women's DMs thirsting out like drooling bozos who are desperate for attention and validation from any woman that will give them the time of day. And women are sick of it."
How to Have Better Game As a Woman "And no amount of trad performance malarkey and trying to win him over through kissing his backside and being available to him 24/7 no questions asked is going to make him care about you."
How Red Pill Men Are Teaching You to Be Terrible With Women "You can't teach a slug how to soar like an eagle. And if you're smart, you'll see their lack of game i.e. BAD social skills with women for what they really are."
How Simps Feed Into Women's Delusions Men lead the way. And women follow. And if you're a simpy dork in the DMs, you're adding to the problem. As are your thirsty, pathetic terminally online brethren.
What's the Deal With Toxic Older Women? "You must understand that kicking the can down the road and waiting on a miracle i.e. the knight in shining armor to come dashing in with the white horse when you're 35 is a pipe dream."
Why Hooking Up Isn't Working for You "You are aiming for LOVE. To get people whipped on you for life. And no one is going to get whipped on you when you are disposable just like everyone else."