How to Vet a Man Much More Thoroughly to Find Out If He Just Wants Sex "I use it as a process of elimination. I'll tell a man that strictly to assess his character and his intentions, not to try and use it as a bargaining tool to try and extract commitment from him."
How to Stop Being a Pickme and Have Better Self-Esteem as a Young Woman "When you give from a place from which you have no expectations except to help others, you wind up filling your own cup. The sense of compassion you find within will help you understand what being giving and feminine is all about."
This Guy is Doing EVERYTHING Wrong in Dating... Here's Why "His sexual and romantic approach stinks. Straight up stinks to high heaven, in fact. He's belting out awkward things that don't land right and he's doing it at precisely the wrong time. His timing, approach, language and delivery is bad. Bad."
Love is NOT Dead and Why You Must Quit Listening to Wounded Folks Tell You It Is "As I've said before, game used to be about getting people to fall in love with you, not being someone's tar on the bottom of their shoe that they throw out because you're no longer of any use to them."
Why You Must Stop Putting People on a Pedestal "I think that if people understood the ruinous perception they give off when they pedestalize others, maybe they might think twice before putting anyone else above themselves."
Q&A: Should You Mention You're Looking For Marriage in Your Dating Profile? "We can tell people we want marriage and kids on our profiles but ultimately, marriage and kids will only come after you find out if there's a connection."
Q&A: How Do I Politely Refuse a Man's Advances Without Being Seen as a Prude? "Telling a man you're 'pure' generally means that you don't honestly even believe that about yourself. Nor will he believe that for one minute about you either."
How to Expertly Deal With a Woman Who's Ballbusting You "He would have opened a floodgate/pandora's box of emasculating sabotage into her psyche and into their relationship, and soon, the impending death by a thousand cuts emasculating hellride would have commenced."
Are You Guilty of Emasculating Men? Do This Instead "He'll just get up and walk right out. He will never call you again. And he'll make you look and feel very foolish and stupid for even attempting to emasculate him as he makes his abrupt exit out of your life forever."