Q&A: The Red Pill Has Convinced Me I'm Too Old to Find a Husband "For 60 years, they've been systematically dismantling traditions and ushering in filth culture that prevents young men and women from getting married and having children."
A Tale of Testosterone - Comparing Men Then vs. Now "Like many of us, I honestly have trouble between being able to tell if certain folks are male or female just by virtue of something in our environment that's altering people's genes in a ghastly and unsightly way."
How to Reduce Stress and Be Much More Feminine For Your Man "It isn't going to make him think less of you, it will help build intimacy between you both because men like to feel needed. Making a man feel needed also makes him feel wanted."
Why is the Red Pill Angry About Women's Age Preferences in Men? "According to the red pill, men can wait until they are 65 to get a 19-year old girl. They are actively recruiting you to take up the position of being "the creepy old guy" when you're retirement age still chasing the skirts around attending college."
No More Mr. Nice Guy? "He acted like a man should. Assertive, confident, great conversation, manspreading and not being afraid to demonstrate attraction in a straightforward manner like men are supposed to do."
How to Respond to Your Breadcrumber Ex Who Keeps Texting You Out of the Blue "Woohoo! Look at this message I now get to read over and over again when I'm bored and need an ego boost! Thanks Sally, I can always count on you!"
Red Pill "Masculine" Behaviors That Will Get You Nowhere With Women "Ideals and perceptions change. Your whole attitude about life, women and relationships will inevitably transform where you will want more than just to finally accomplish getting laid."
Big Signs You're a Dating Idiot "That means you will have to make a move, guys. It can be as simple as manspreading and conveying confidence. Putting your arm around her waist. Kissing her at the end of the date."
Should Men Chase Women? Part: II "If you're not taking action towards making that woman yours, you're going about this all wrong. And women will lose all patience with you, put you in the simpy dud category and move on."