Q&A: Hookup Culture and the Red Pill Has Made Me Hate Women - What Can I Do to Fix It? "And it's no wonder that submersing yourself in deviant acts over any extended period of time makes you hate women. These are very ugly things. Shocking things. Soul-crushing things. Unnerving things. Inhumane things."
Why This Guy's Dopamine-Based Casual Relationship Approach Caused a Beautiful Woman to Dust Him "That's what dopamine does. It's entirely fleeting and does NOT create any type of lasting attraction towards anybody (whether they person you're with is incredibly hot or not)."
Dopamine Hacking: How and Why You Have to Mess With People's Hormones to Keep Them Interested "It's probably very uncomfortable for you to even imagine having to wait for anything. Our entire society is based on instant gratification and dopamine. 'Do what feels good right now and don't bother caring about what actually works later."
I Had a One Night Stand and Now the Guy is Still Going to (Awkwardly) Be in My Life "And if you can deal with going to war with him for awhile and hold steady at all costs, you could win him over (probably won't want him anyway after the fact but still, it's a win for you)."
How and When to Be Vulnerable With Someone for a Deeper Connection "It takes courage to have these tough talks that nobody wants to have–especially when we're left completely 'in the dark' about how the other person feels."
Why You and Everyone Else Keeps Getting Ghosted and How You Can Prevent It From Happening to You "Because I promise you, the other person is going to RUSH (you can still hold them at bay and not give in too easily for sure lol) to fill in these time lapses. And they will step up their interest times a thousand."
The Story of a Reformed Nice Guy and How I Transformed Him Into a Casanova "Every single one of them could sense the desperation and phoniness of it, and it didn’t get me very far. This absolutely destroyed my already lacking sense of self-confidence and left me jaded about dating and women in general."
Q&A - How Can I Not Lose My Mind Around Chad? "Look, I completely understand this is how women feel and this is how they knee jerk react because Chad kickstarts our most primal urges. As you said, it makes you feel ALIVE."
Why It's a Must as a Woman to Be More Passive with Men "He knows what he has to do and should do as a man. The biggest mistake women make these days is assuming that if he doesn't make a decision, she will have to plug herself in somewhere and make it for him. Wrong."