Red Pill Rescue Ep. 9 - The Plastic Surgery Debate I've been droning on and on lately about the plastic surgery debacle upon which millions of women have undergone various plastic surgery procedures to "enhance" their appearance. They long to be sex symbols, to lead a glamorous life and to gain fame and notoriety on social
How to Be a Seductress "All of these sound a bit complicated and antithetical when lumped together, don't they? How can a woman be a sexual dynamo and still be feminine and not try and force a man to commit?"
When and How to "Neg" a Woman If You Even Should at All "Your aim as a man is to make her feel like a million bucks. To seduce her. The Tinder Swindler was a prime example of this–did he call any of those women heifers before he took them to bed and took all their money?"
Red Pill Rescue Ep. 8 - What NOT to Do With Your Crush and Bad Game Examples In case you missed it, Alana [] and I on this week's episode of Red Pill Rescue discuss several good and bad examples of male and female game. And of course we absolutely had to include the clip from Dazed and Confused featuring
How Long Should You Wait for Him to Make Up His Mind About You? "His actions will tell you everything you need to know. Whether they're good or bad, they are indicative as to exactly where your relationship is headed."
Red Pill Rescue Ep. 7 - A Tribute to Kevin Samuels Last week on Red Pill Rescue [], Alana and I discussed the very sudden and tragic death of Kevin Samuels and the impact he had on the manosphere and the red pill. Kevin Samuels became very influential over the last several years and, in
Do Men Need to Have Sex to Not View Women as Sexual Objects? "Today's men are sexually inexperienced and it's causing them to be terrible with women throughout their adult lives."
Part II: Why She Friendzoned You When You Wanted a Relationship "We are not saints, we are not infallible, we are not immortal, we are not perfect and we have flaws. And you won't find out about her real flaws until you can get past not being able to touch her like a man should."
Why She Friendzoned You After You Told Her You Wanted a Relationship "And the truth is, she likely WAS very much into you. Until your behavior changed and she found it so off-putting, her attraction went from 1,000,000 to subzero."