Why You Need Personality and Character as a Man Above All to Be Successful With Women "They are teaching you how to be socially awkward. Crapping on people and expecting them to like you anyway is the quintessential definition of being socially awkward."
How to Be a More Traditionally Masculine Man and Why It's Extremely Attractive to Women "Men are the moral arbiters of society. Always have been, always will be. They dictate how women should act and they set the standard. And the reason so many women are in a state of disrepair today is because they are surrounded by men who are dishonest and have no standards."
Is He Really Going to Marry You or Not? "Stop seeing the potential in a man to love you. He either loves you and shows up enthusiastically without having to be cattle-prodded, or it's not a good match."
The Ick - What It Is and Why You Feel the Ick With Lots of People "So that's 2 desirable men proposing, and 2 desirable men who are wanting something more serious. With all 4 of them being in love with her. With no sex, no bs, and no games."
Top 5 Reasons Why People Dislike You "Don't assume you're already in a relationship on the first date. You're not. And you are working against their interests in not letting them decide on you of their own volition in getting to know you and seeing what unfolds over time."
Narcissism, FOMO and Masculinized Women in War Bride Mode - None of This Helps in Finding a Relationship "We all want the perfect archetype of a masculine man or feminine woman and we want to marry them. The problem is, if your behavior doesn't mesh well with their approach, they will not go any further with you."
The Incel Problem and Promiscuous Women - Why Finding a Relationship Proves to Be Very Tough For Both "So just what is the problem with being an adult male who is a virgin and is so inexperienced with women that he's never dated one, never been in a relationship, and can barely talk to a woman and make a move at 30 years old?"
Other Important Key Factors That Are Preventing You From Finding a Relationship "People ghost. They use you for sex. They use you for free meals. They pretend like they're in a relationship with you only for you to find out they aren't. They were faking it. And your heart gets broken."
Distorted Gender Roles and Trauma - Why It's a Roadblock in Finding a Relationship "I invite you to examine your own presentability in front of others. Impressions matter a great deal. And I've found that when people act a fool, they can never catch a break. As they are just plain unlikable."