The Do's and Don'ts of Dating in 2022
"There's a very valid reason thirsty, needy people get rejected out the gate or somewhere down the line. It screams 'lunatic with a screw loose that I shouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.'"

Hi everyone, I've been missing in action a bit this past "dead" week over the holiday season into the New Year while wrapping loose ends on the job for my husband (month end AND year end business stuff). Fun times lol.
I'm back in full effect for the New Year and I thought I'd start out January 1st fresh and with a bang in discussing in-depth the foreseeable dating trends in the coming months that I'm currently witnessing.
First I will say that dating isn't going to get any easier for people who don't have some semblance of game, charm, social skills and the willingness to put themselves out there. By far the biggest malady plugging up the dating marketplace is the absence of game–social awkwardness reigns supreme for the vast majority of singles these days.
However, my readers are armed with the tools they need to date up like pros and have many, many options at their disposal. A person with game can expect to crush it in the dating marketplace. So we'll definitely be working on much more of that throughout the coming year.