Exposing Red Pill Male and Female Dorks - Part Deux
"I also brought up the fact that it was the pop cultural standard for men in my generation to have a few beers before they would sleep with a woman because it would delay his orgasm through the night so he could POUND, POUND, POUND."

I hope you were able to tune into our livestream last night on Red Pill Rescue where we further discussed dorky behavior from both men and women in the red pill.
And the big elephant in the room that red pill men refuse to discuss is the fact that many of them are absent of virility. And I myself have been bringing this subject to the forefront in discussion on Twitter exposing them for their inability to perform in bed.
Incels in the red pill go around being angry at "alpha widowed" women who, when you really peel the layers back, aren't pining and jonesing over the man who was the most successful nor had the most cash.
It's the man who could f*ck the living daylights out of them.
Because the fact of the matter is this...
Women don't leave a good d*ck. They just don't. They don't leave men who can more than take care of them in the bedroom and that's a fact.
It somehow doesn't occur to these red pill incels that women can very easily get stuck on the one guy who could give them powerful orgasms.
I also mentioned that there's no such thing as an alpha widow in my generation because around every corner, Gen-X women could find a good working d*ck i.e. a virile, masculine man who could perform all night in bed, no problem.
I'm a testament to that. I've been married to the same man for 20 years of whom has essentially "killed" all my sexual desire due to having passionate sex with me for decades.
For the first 15 years I was married that's all we did. And now I'm a very contented, middle-aged woman who isn't desperately sniffing around for rando d*ck like so many sexually dissatisfied women existing today in modern society.
These days men in their early 20's need to use Viagra to maintain an erection. I can't even believe I'm typing this out because in the good old days, men in their early 20's used to have to try diligently to keep the hardened stick in their pants hidden from unsuspecting onlookers.
They would sit in university and have to patiently wait 10 minutes after class for the wood to burn down and extinguish itself.
Now, these guys can't even maintain an erection without watching some godawful midget genre of gay porn.
I also brought up the fact that it was the pop cultural standard for men in my generation to have a few beers before they would sleep with a woman because it would delay his orgasm through the night so he could POUND, POUND, POUND.
Apparently, that's NOT something men are accustomed to any longer. Many men seem to have never even heard of this method to help them ensure they could be beasts in bed.
And I'm not the least bit surprised by that because if Viagra can barely assist these folks, how in the heck is a stiff drink or two (pardon the pun) going to help them?
I really feel for women nowadays. Between the dorkiness, the dry and stale politically-charged, lame approaches and the absence of f*ck power in men, as Ajac would say, they really have nowhere to turn.
So again, they alpha widow, martyr and sacrifice themselves on the altar of getting dissed by the ONE man who has a good, working d*ck. And the red pill refuses to acknowledge this is even a problem for women at all, much less acknowledge it's a problem for a lot of today's men.
Thus my advice to men reading these pages is to quit watching porn, stop masturbating, find God, go lift and stop being a dork.
Women want a guy that can perform in bed. That will never change. Women expect that of you and when you can't deliver, they will leave. And it shouldn't be surprising to you that these incel dorks in the red pill have no clue how important a man's ability to perform in bed really is and will always be to these women.
That's your real red pill. Women love sex with virile men who can perform. Break out the smelling salts, or you can take it to heart and understand this is how the world works among these young, fertile ladies. And you can proceed to make some improvements.
You can watch our two-hour livestream below:
Also, be sure to like, comment and subscribe to Alana's YouTube channel where we host Red Pill Rescue every Sunday at 7pm, CST.
Thanks for watching.
Love and Many Blessings,
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