How to Approach a Woman the Right Way to Avoid Rejection or Getting Friendzoned
"Or worse, they're stringing these guys along and friendzoning them with the intent of punishing and emasculating them because they don't have the guts (like a man should) to be upfront and unapologetic in their desires."

The trend these days for many men is to be very passive and indirect in their approach towards women.
They try to be her coffee buddy.
They try to be the guy who does everything under the sun except willingly express romantic and sexual attraction towards women.
And this gets them friendzoned and dusted, where these guys wind up living out their existence awash with regret because it's profoundly humiliating to a man deep down to pursue a woman with dishonesty and lack of confidence as the motivation behind their approach.
I've talked to men who have confessed they got friendzoned/rejected by a woman 10+ years ago and to this day, they've never been able to live it down.
It still rots away inside them where they continue to look back on their approach, or lack thereof, and feel a very deep sense of grief and bitterness.