How to Be Great With Men and NO, It's Not About SEX

I'm often carrying on like a madwoman that I've never had any trouble with my love life (no man has ditched me since I was 20 years old). I'm in a class all my own as opposed to today's trad pickme crowd that insists women should be doormats but also be aggressive, chase men, mother them and pay their bills with no ring in sight lol

These women have it all wrong and it's why a majority of them are unmarried and will stay unmarried. I was raised by silent generation women who were actually traditional and didn't entertain any modern bastardized cosplay notions of "femininity."

And growing up, I never once heard these women complaining about men or hating them. They never had any problems with their romantic lives and it's mainly because the men they married were also traditional.

None of those men insisted on this "cook, clean, do anal and invite your friends while I refuse to commit to you" nonsense of today. They were too busy fighting in wars and returning home to their backbreaking jobs and putting food on the table to treat life like one huge disease-ridden orgy.

If you've been reading this blog for any extended period of time, you may be consciously aware that your brain is being rewired towards this "new" old information on traditionalism.

I've had many young people confirm they were able to rid themselves of old programming and they went on to find success in their relationships. With many of them getting married and having families.

And below you'll find more of this type of information (that you won't get from anywhere else) that will help you to be much more successful with men...