How to Be Sexy As a Woman
"But wait, guys (only the simpy ones, ladies) worship women like this! Look at all the online attention they get! Look at all the likes and follows! Look at all the swipes! Look at all the thirsty DMs!"

Being sexy as a woman has devolved into some nebulous, $3.50 cringe thing where it's all about showing every single part of your body, being tasteless and crude, and never holding back in showcasing your lady bits from here to Georgia.
These women are what I call, "All sex and no substance." Because there is zero substance or even any feminine discernment in showing your entire body to men. It takes skill to do it seductively to where a man is all in and is not just looking for a lay.
Also, it robs men of the opportunity to love and care about you. Men have this darker side to them where they can easily separate sex from love and not even flinch or think twice about it–where they can look at a woman showing skin and want to violate her in ways women would shudder at if they were actually aware of it and understood it. They would think differently of men and up the ante in covering up.
But wait, guys (only the simpy ones, ladies) worship women like this! Look at all the online attention they get! Look at all the likes and follows! Look at all the swipes! Look at all the thirsty DMs!
I challenge any woman to take an inventory of just the type of men who are worshiping them online. Virtually none of them are the ultra-desirable men they want and respect. None. They know it and I know it. Everyone knows it.
They seem to think that 1,000 simpy incel men will make up for the one highly respectable and desirable man they really want that doesn't want them because they are showing too much skin.
And since you're a woman reading this blog because you are wise, informed, have lots of game and want to do this thing right without duplicating any of the low rent "all sex and no substance" bullshit, let's dive right in on how you can be sexy.
It's not what you think and it's way better and so awesome...