How to Make a Breadcrumber Go Crazy and Start Chasing You
If you are getting breadcrumbed on a consistent basis by the same person (or heaven forbid, people), you can turn it around in your favor and get them to lose their marbles and chase you.
However, first things first, you will have to understand that you have reinforced the breadcrumbing behavior in the other person. In fact, many people have probably reinforced it– people they have dealt with in the past and those they are dealing with now, which is why they are breadcrumbing you too.
Yes indeedy, this person has a buffet of avatars in their phone they breadcrumb for kicks. Modern dating culture has promoted and reinforced this in singles in the following ways:
- Singles have rosters - they have lists of spineless, gutless and desperate people waiting in the wind to be with them
- Swiping - a "shiny new model" is just one swipe away and chances are they will be happy to be on a roster/hookup/be in situationships/be some avatar in someone's phone
- Simp culture - simps feed into this by being some lackey for virtually any woman who will pay any attention to them and they love getting breadcrumbed (they often harbor some bizarre masochistic fetish too and have a thing for women who treat them poorly).
- All around discouragement surrounding serious, committed relationships. Two people in their early 20s getting married and having kids is outrageous and offensive but being in a situationship for 5 years with someone who treats people like hot garbage isn't.
And one thing many singles will never believe nor ever come to terms with is how UNATTRACTIVE the above makes them to others. So unattractive it makes them repulsive.
If you are doing any of the aforementioned, you will always be on the losing side of the game. Always, no exceptions. You will never win being someone's nobody that they can easily replace with a bunch of other nobodies.
Breadcrumbers take people for granted because desperate people they don't respect are always waiting on standby being thirsty and available 24/7. They treat these people like a cheap accessory to pick up off the shelf, dust off and plug into some role that's convenient for them in the moment.
"Mike would be the perfect person to compliment me and give me attention after Zach ghosted me tonight."
"Sarah would be the perfect person for a booty call because Savannah is out of town. Sarah never says no to my booty calls."
This all feels like shit doesn't it? Of course it does. It always does.
And below we're going to discuss how you can shift this dynamic to not only work for you but to change your mindset and outlook on all the above bs so you can stop being the guy/girl nobody wants....