How to Stop Being a Pickme and Have Better Self-Esteem as a Young Woman

Pickme culture is all around us as well as being a reprobate, promiscuous woman who's "down for anything and everything" with seemingly nowhere for women to turn in-between.

Young women today are being bombarded with these deleterious messages from cradle to grave. Be a career woman and put off having a family indefinitely, or throw themselves at Chad's feet because they're desperate for love and approval from masculine men.

These women have no masculine male role models in their lives, much less masculine men they can date and actually find desirable, who care about them, love them and want to protect them.

First things first is you have to cement it in the many folds of your brain that neither atrocious behavior will ever work for you. Ever. Men don't like doormats and they don't like sluts. They are both used temporarily only to be inevitably discarded.