How to Tell If He's Low Effort - Here Are the Signs He's Really Not Into You
"You must resist thinking that low effort is an invitation for you to try harder as a woman. It isn't. It's an invitation for you to walk away, cut your losses and don't allow him to waste a single second more of your time."

I've been seeing an uptick of women walking out on men at the very first sign of low effort, and I think this is a very wise strategy for any single woman who is looking for a serious relationship.
Low effort people are world class tirekickers and time wasters. You can't win with them and they are only there to siphon off whatever resources you're offering up that they can exploit.
And here's why you need to ditch the low effort man asap...
- Low effort rarely if ever (I would say the tide never turns with these people) shifts into anything more than low effort. It's like a losing lottery ticket. Nothing is going to make those losing numbers match up with the winning numbers.
- I know this is a pretty lousy thing to say but it's a true reflection of how he feels about you. Low effort = low attraction = low investment. This is not a reflection on you as a person, this is simply evidence that it's not a good match for reasons that are out of your control (no chemistry, he's not over an ex, he isn't looking for anything serious with any woman, etc). And you needn't bother with him any longer.
- Low effort is a way for today's men to STILL get what they want from women. Many women fall prey to it and end up getting used and discarded. This is also keeping standards on the dating scene very low where men realize they don't need to put in the effort with women and they can still have lots of easy sex.
- Women become hardened and masculinized. The less a man has to do for a woman, the more she tries to overcompensate by becoming the man in the relationship. Then she winds up hurt and embittered and starts hating men like so many single women today who repeat this pattern with men.
Thus, if you're a single woman and you're tired of the bad treatment on the dating scene, ditching the low effort man is worth the minimal heartache.
Sure, you wish things were different and you hoped he could step in and be the man of your dreams. But when he isn't, it's important to not waste precious time that you frankly do not have as a woman.
If marriage and children are your goal, wasting time with low effort men is a good way to ensure this will become all the more impossible for you to achieve.
Now, let's examine what kind of treatment you're up against in dealing with a low effort man and how you can learn to spot it...