Love is NOT Dead and Why You Must Quit Listening to Wounded Folks Tell You It Is
"As I've said before, game used to be about getting people to fall in love with you, not being someone's tar on the bottom of their shoe that they throw out because you're no longer of any use to them."

Attended a fabulous and very insightful discussion today on the RealFemSapien channel with Aly and Alana, where we discussed current trends in the dating marketplace, why so many people are having trouble finding love and what truly makes a great relationship.
We also brought up the fact that people are terrified of love. A viewer asked me why so many people have their guard up in terms of seeking out a connection with others.
And sadly, love is the new obscene 4 letter word. People will tell you they'll be more than happy to f*ck you, but have a very big problem with l-o-v-e-ing you.
Notwithstanding the fact that the red pill has turned game upside down on its head and made it about hooking up. Muh getting laid (like a dude perpetually stuck in high school as we've discussed before), or at least trying to get laid with little success, is the entire scope and breadth of their knowledge.
As I've said before, game used to be about getting people to fall in love with you, not being someone's tar on the bottom of their shoe that they throw out because you're no longer of any use to them.
Love does exist. And it very much comes into fruition for many of the kind folks who follow this blog, put themselves out there and find love.
I've helped hundreds of people find love. They are getting engaged, married and they're having families. Aly remembered I talked about my "love and success spreadsheet" (I don't have one but should definitely make one lol) in terms of clients and subscribers who have been able to find fulfilling long-term relationships.
To believe in love in the modern age is cultural sacrilege. It's heroic and valiant. And YOU just by virtue of believing in love are the true rebels. The game-changers. Those who have the guts to stand tall in the name of love against those who have chosen to stop believing in it.
They gave up. But you haven't. That's a noble thing and a righteous one. Love is your gateway to finding true meaning in your lives and a reason to go on living with direction and purpose.
Never be afraid to love. A life worth living also includes loving well.
You can watch our amazing 1-hour discussion below:
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Thanks for watching.
Love and Many Blessings,
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