Do Men Need to Have Sex to Not View Women as Sexual Objects?
"Today's men are sexually inexperienced and it's causing them to be terrible with women throughout their adult lives."

Awhile ago I said I would be posting critiques of various relevant material I find on Reddit concerning relationships, and today we're going to talk about something I've been talking about for months...
Today's men are sexually inexperienced and it's causing them to be terrible with women throughout their adult lives.
It's been well-documented that in The United States, 1/3 of men under 30 have had no recent sexual experience with women with many not having any sexual experience at all. And those numbers are steadily climbing.
This is an unprecedented, cataclysmic event that is not sustainable. And it's up to today's young men to take the reins and take it upon themselves to become experienced with women.
So let's dive in and take a look at this rare Reddit gem I saw at r/purplepilldebate someone sent to me today (with some minor edits for typos and bolded print for the crucially important parts):
"Sex is actually a key milestone in life that helps guys see girls as more than sexual objects"
"Many people say having sex doesn’t change you, it’s no big deal, it doesn’t make you a man.
Today I’d like to argue the opposite. Obviously having sex does not give you superpowers; nor will it cure all your problems in life. Sex does however provide guys with extremely important life skills, social skills, maturity and self-confidence. Not only that, it helps guys interact better with half the population (women).
Before a guy has sex, women are viewed as something not fully understood; a puzzle to be unlocked to get the prize (sex). Guys are driven by a biological urge to have sex. Until guys get the confirmation that they can get sex, it is difficult to view women as more than prizes.
Virgin guys can be friends with girls; I’m not denying that. It’s like being friends with a teacher or your boss at work. You want a good grade or a promotion from them and it gets in the way of an honest relationship.
Once a guy gets sex he gets confirmation that women are humans too. With the mystery of what sex feels like and how to get sex [gone], he can begin to see women as more than just prizes.
Many cocky jerks in high school who use girls and toss them aside often become the best of guys when they grow up. They have gotten the immature sex craze out of their system and matured into great, understanding guys.
Once a guy figures out sex is getable in his mind, he can think about other things like a girls personality etc. and being genuine.
Edit: By “sexual object” and “prize” I don’t mean that women are seen as less than men. The opposite really. Guys view women as idolized and unattainable prizes they aren’t worthy of. Sex helps men see themselves as equal to women.
Very simple premise and there's a whole lot of (harsh) truth to it. I've maintained for months now that men who pedestalize women don't have enough sexual experience to see them as human beings.
Which is why I'm forever waxing about "dudes who don't get laid in high school never really leave high school" and fetishize/idolize/pedestalize very young women. And it boils down to the fact that they never went through the young adult male life stages of going steady, having sex with a beautiful young woman and gotten it out of their system.
Your forefathers understood it was a rite of passage for a man to "sow his oats" and get sex with women out of his system in order to mature into a grown man who could then prioritize finding a wife and having children. That's what men were expected to do and they were highly encouraged to advance through these stages. They applauded young men for being able to "get some tail" because it meant that he has now become a man.
This is also why you used to see so much sexual shaming towards virgin dorks in old films. This theme was all too common because men were virile and were expected to be able to go out and meet girls, score, perform like animals in bed and graduate to becoming a man.
"You haven't gotten past the sniffin' butt stage," says "Don" in Dazed and Confused. "Chicks don't wanna hear that shit!" he yelled in shaming a sexually inexperienced dork among his peer group who was going all in with the proto-nice guy shtick to other teenage girls he wanted to score with.
What you see in the above clip is how it used to be for men. Chads shamed dorks into getting laid because they knew what was good for them and they would grow up and become men.
Nowadays, these archaic rites of passage are frowned upon. They want you to sit in your dank basement and watch other people have sex in porn and yank your member 'til it breaks or falls off. These developmental milestones exist no longer–and men are severely socially-stunted as a result to the extent they're unable to have a simple conversation with a woman well into their 30s.
Despite what mainstream society tells you, men need to be able have sex with women. They need to do it as young adults. It's an indisputable fact that it is a developmental breakthrough in a man's life to gain sexual experience with women to go onto becoming a fully-formed, thriving, functional adult.
And it doesn't help that the red pill is entirely made up of these overgrown, virgin, disgruntled males who never found sexual success with women. Many of them are young, and many of them are old–and they still haven't been able to "crack the woman code" and "unlock the prize" as the gentleman above puts it. And they idolize prized young p*ssy because they never got any prized young p*ssy.
Red pill men who weren't able to get girls in high school are the LAST resource you should seek out in trying to find your sweet spot with women.
Go to a blue collar work site where there are no women to be found anywhere–these rough and tough dudes will be able to teach you more about women in just merely being around them than any red pill "Alpha" virgin ever will.
That's the God's honest truth–red pill men are spinning their wheels, always have since they sprouted a few sparse chest hairs, and will continue on a path to nowhere until they willfully accept the good old-fashioned tried and true methods of being good with women.
It's funny that red pillers in the comments on the streams I continually attend go to great lengths to dismiss the most important facets of masculinity that actually matter to women–male strength, male social skills, being virile and capable of performing in bed, and being influential among other men and women matter to women most of all.
You could have all the money in the world, drive the most expensive car and wear designer suits. If you don't have any sexual experience with women to the degree that you no longer idolize them, you can see them as human beings, and can have a simple conversation with them, you're never going to find success with women.
Tl;dr: Get off the internet, close out the porn tabs and go out and get laid. Your success as a man in all facets of life entirely depends on it.
Let me know what you think on Instagram in the DMs or you can stop by and hit me up in our private Reddit forum available only to subscribers here.
Love and Many Blessings,
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