Other Important Key Factors That Are Preventing You From Finding a Relationship
"People ghost. They use you for sex. They use you for free meals. They pretend like they're in a relationship with you only for you to find out they aren't. They were faking it. And your heart gets broken."

In my last post on "Distorted Gender Roles and Trauma - Why It's a Roadblock in Finding a Relationship" we discussed current-day upside down views on gender roles for men and women, why traumatized people don't have the ability love you (even if they really want to), and perpetual adolescence and arrested development among the masses.
I realize these are all very triggering and painful subjects for you to consider. Possibly to even accept as individuals through no fault of your own. You didn't ask for this, no one wants any of it and you don't deserve it either.
All these issues have been neatly swept under the rug and you're supposed to merrily go along and ignore them as if they don't exist. When you know without a doubt they do exist because you're unable to find a relationship as a result.
You meet someone who seems great at first and soon, you're uncovering all kinds of baggage. Baggage that turns you off from being serious. It makes you distrustful towards the opposite sex. It makes you feel as if you're the only sane being among a world that's gone mad.
By now, you've likely been able to personally identify with a lot of these issues. They hit home for you as you've encountered them among many people you've tried to date in the past and they may be incidental to your upbringing.