The Most Important Things You Didn't Know About Women "This is perpetuating misleading information towards vulnerable men who want answers. And men on the internet who pretend to be gurus who don't understand what women find attractive in men are telling men they're 'too ugly' to get a date."
This is Exactly What You Should Do When He Won't Plan a Date "I see women giving the flaky, uninterested man a wall of text attempting to shame him for his lack of effort. "Well, I do expect guys I'm interested in to ask me on proper dates. Society and dating really sucks these days. Men don't ask women out anymore!"
Top 5 Good Reasons Not to Marry a Woman "This does not bode well for marriage. The woman who's excited about being your wife is also excited about being in your life. Pay attention to how much zest and affinity she has for you and how readily she makes herself available to you."
He Married Her Right After He Dumped Me - Why Didn't He Marry Me? "They have a light bulb moment where the woman they marry is so different from the woman they didn't that they realize they are ready to commit. There was something in the woman he married that struck him hard and he felt the 'commitment bug' bite him."
THIS Is When It's Okay For You to Call Women "Beautiful" "If this is your thinking, you're going about it all wrong. This is 'crumb of p*ssy' thinking. And as soon as you start performing like a golden retriever for a woman, you will NEVER get any p*ssy. Or respect. Or love. Or any staying power."
How to Be Great With Men and NO, It's Not About SEX "If he does something I don't like, I will simply say no. He can figure it out. And if he can't, once again, I will shout it from the rooftops, he is not the kind of man who is worth having around, not now and definitely not in the future!"
Here's How Long You Need to Wait to Text a Woman After a Date "And this is what women REALLY think of men who act thirsty... 'Ugh, how gross and embarrassing. Why can't I just meet a perfectly normal guy who doesn't act weird and stupid around women?"
How to Make a Breadcrumber Go Crazy and Start Chasing You "People don't respond to niceness, they respond to fairness. People will like you a great deal when you're fair with them. And a breadcrumber knows he/she is acting foul and not being fair."
How to Tell If He's Low Effort - Here Are the Signs He's Really Not Into You "You must resist thinking that low effort is an invitation for you to try harder as a woman. It isn't. It's an invitation for you to walk away, cut your losses and don't allow him to waste a single second more of your time."