Red Pill Rescue 14 - Life After the Red Pill
"Women don't want you to do things to be good with women, they want you to be good at things simply because you're a man. And the women will follow."

Hope you were able to tune into this week's Red Pill Rescue last evening where we were originally going to do a sequel on the Andrew Tate debacle but instead segued into a much more interesting and really fun discussion about life after the red pill.
We also discuss how you can get out of the red pill and what you can do to change your mindset as a man in order to become a more attractive and appealing to women.
This often has to do with your inner drive as a man as opposed to doing things with the motivation to impress women–of which women very often can sniff out the difference and we all know women are turned off guys who seek approval from women (or anybody for that matter).
And I have been receiving a lot of these type of questions lately, "If I do XYZ, will a girl like it? Will it help me get more girls?"
You have to drop that kind of phony attitude in wanting to attract women into your life, guys. Women don't want you to do things to be good with women, they want you to be good at things simply because you're a man. And the women will follow.
The 2 hr 30 minute discussion can be found here:
Also make sure you like and comment along with subscribing to Alana's Youtube channel where we host Red Pill Rescue every Wednesday at 7pm CST.
Love and Many Blessings,
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