Should You Massage a Man's Ego? YES - Here's How and Why
We are smack dab in the midst of an epidemic of people who have no game and have zero seduction skills. Bad attitudes and anti-social behavior that knows no boundaries is mainstream where anti-seducers are the norm and not the exception.

We are smack dab in the midst of an epidemic of people who have no game and have zero seduction skills. Bad attitudes and anti-social behavior that knows no boundaries is mainstream where anti-seducers are the norm and not the exception.
What is an anti-seducer, you ask?
According to Robert Greene in his best-selling book, "The Art of Seduction," an anti-seducer is a person who repels people away from them. You've likely seen the type and know him or her rather intimately–rude, uncouth, profane, awkward, too forward, too pushy, too clingy, too sentimental, etc.
There are many behaviors that can be deemed anti-seductive and not being able to finesse a man's ego is definitely high on the list.