Signs She May Be an Alpha Widow
"Many women (even in red pill circles) dismiss the idea of alpha widowhood. They claim it simply doesn't exist. And they couldn't be more wrong. And unfortunately, many men are finding this out too little too late."

I've been seeing a fair amount of social media/blog posts shedding a big fat spotlight on various catastrophic, modern day sob stories where certain women who've been involved in serious long-term relationships have since been left pining for "the Chad that got away."
Some have married and gone on with their lives with a stable provider, meanwhile they're suffering sleepless nights alongside the poor stable provider soul wishing for the Chad they hit the sheets with 15 years ago and no man has been able to compare since–not even her stable provider mate who's gone to great lengths to take care of her and meet her needs in the relationship.
I recently read an excerpt from a blog post written by a woman (that I won't link to because it's solipsistic trash) that reads like this verbatim: