The 4 Types of Women in Today's Dating Market
"They are endlessly confused by the bossgirl/feminist messaging coming at them 24/7 while their biology remains at odds with it. Their ovaries are screaming at them to get married and have children and everyone else is telling them not to."

Greetings friends,
I have a couple of very quick and important announcements before we get into today's post:
1) I now have a free (will always be free) substack up and running where I will be regularly posting social media type shorter-form dating and relationship content (just like what I've posted on Instagram on the main page in my memes and photos). Feel free to like, subscribe and comment as you would any social media page.
2) I have a new and private Telegram broadcast channel where I will be posting exclusive game tips, dating advice and highly useful relationship tidbits (like I always did on my IG stories) and the channel is available only for subscribers to this blog (you can find the link at the bottom of this post for you to gain access).
I look forward to offering you daily content via these two new platforms which are a lot less like social media but are instead a breath of fresh air where I can provide straightforward information without all the clutter.
And now without further ado, let's get started on the 4 types of women in today's dating market...
Most guys on today's dating scene are encountering a few very distinctive types of women who all share one thing in common:
They are single, want true love and want a committed relationship with a great man.
It's tough out there for singles and it's important that single men begin to understand the modern archetype of today's single gal to help them be better prepared in dating and seeking long-term relationships.
First and foremost, we have to debunk the same ol' tired myths continually being propagated by the red pill:
a) Women can't be trusted and they are incapable of loving any man...
Wrong. Women CAN be trusted and can definitely be monogamous with the man they love. In fact, if a woman is not willing to be monogamous with you of her own volition, she doesn't love you. Women are not wired to "spread their seed" and have emotionless sex like men. We are wired for one man and one man only.
True story: The world and everything in it disappears when we are in a relationship with a man we truly love. No other man exists to us. So look explicitly for that in any woman you date.
Is she willing to give up the single life for you, as though all those people are now dead to her, and her formerly single ways are extinct never to be revived again? If so, congratulations. She truly loves you and only you.
b) Women are never alone. They're always having sex with men and even the least desirable women among us have men who will marry them.
Wrong again.
"According to the latest surveys, as of 2021, 52% of American women were unmarried or separated, which is a record-breaking number. This is higher than the overall percentage of single Americans, which is about 46% of those over 18 years old. The number of women who have never been married has also increased by 20% over the past decade."
And you as a man should become more familiar with the following 4 types of women who make up most single gals on the current dating scene. They are definitely not what you expect and the red pill might never acknowledge these women exist at all...