Today's Biggest Mainstream Dating Myths That Will Destroy Any Relationship

Many of you are painfully aware that the modern dating landscape is littered with unfortunate and downright harmful advice for both men and women who are seeking true love and a committed relationship.

Based on what I've been doing here on this site for nearly 4 years, I have yet to meet or discover any self-proclaimed relationship guru who can assist both men and women in finding true love. My one honorable mention would be Pat Stedman but other than this very knowledgeable gentleman, there is no one person whose advice I find to be truly significant or compelling.

I don't like to brag but I am THE Mrs. A-Z of love and relationships. There is nothing I can't do when it comes to helping people find love.

To add insult to injury, many of these other so-called experts are very limited in their approach and I've found that the majority can only help you to accomplish a short list of things (which require really no skill at all):

And the following, more mainstream dating myths can and should be thrown into the above discard pile as well. They seem more like memes too. You've probably heard any number of young college feminists spout these banal talking points along with some wine aunt and a bluepilled boomer uncle who hasn't left '81 and knows diddly about today's modern dating environment....