Top 5 Good Reasons Not to Marry a Woman
"This does not bode well for marriage. The woman who's excited about being your wife is also excited about being in your life. Pay attention to how much zest and affinity she has for you and how readily she makes herself available to you."

Disclaimer: This is NOT an article discouraging men from marriage while disparaging women as not being marriageable (like most red pill gurus insist), rather, this is an article to warn you against the pitfalls of marrying a certain subset of women you may become involved with now or in the future.
Men need to take a more aggressive and realistic approach in weeding out certain red flags in a woman that may make marriage a very undesirable prospect especially down the line.
Dating vs. living with a woman in holy matrimony are two very different things. Both men and women will drop the mask in marriage and you'll begin to see the real person before you, flowers, flaws, flatulence and all. And if you marry the wrong woman, it will not paint a rosy picture.
Also, not all women are cut out for marriage. Not all women will make a good wife to you or any other man. Not all women possess the ability to assist in a man realizing his full potential and vision in building a better life for you both as a couple.
Some women are a net drain on a relationship and below are the biggest red flags you must watch out for in assessing whether she'll be the right woman for you in marriage: