Why Being a Good Guy Isn't Helping You With Women
"Many men are easily fooled by these people. But I see right through them. They are phonies. They are weak pretending to be strong. They are lonely pretending they are loved. They are celibate pretending they have sex. And they are helpless pretending to be your savior."

That headline really grabbed you by the seat of your pants didn't it? And you clicked on it assuming this would be another red pill screed on how you can be a raging dick/horrible asshole and all the ladies aged 22 and under will immediately hand over their panties like groupies at a Poison concert.
Wrong. Well, it's not entirely wrong and I'll explain what being a "good guy" is all about and what direction we're going in here in a moment.
But first, we need to define what a "good guy" really is, as opposed to the "nice guy" you're accustomed to being because you think it's going to reward you with female approval. And lots of sex too, right? (oh lord, this is NOT it)
Newsflash: A good man isn't a nice man.
I'll say that again...
A good man isn't necessarily nice. But a good man is definitely good and any niceness emanating from him often derives from respect and not some need for validation and approval. A good man doesn't feel that he needs to be nice to curry favor with women.
For example, a lot of the guys in my generation were good. They were very trustworthy, loving, faithful, thoughtful, honest, and they kept their word.
But they weren't nice. No one said they were "nice guys" but you would hear people rave about them that they were good guys, and especially, great guys.
"Oh man, he's my buddy and he's a really great guy. Came over and let me use his truck bed to haul this concrete and some tools then we went and had beers. And we had to go toe-to-toe with some punks who were talking shit. Haha my buddy laid them bastards out."
Not even kidding that the above anecdotal conversation is one I'd heard dozens of times growing up. These really were great guys and the ladies loved them.
They were always fair, but not nice. They were respectful, but not nice. They were honest and real, but they were not nice.
And this is what will actually help you with women.
The red pill charlatans and all the rest of these male posers on the internet aren't good men which is why they can't really explain to you or define what a good man actually is.
Instead, they convince you that "women don't want good men" and always throw their lacy drawers at bad men.
This is because they are bad men who are really bad at being men, who can't teach you how to be a good or even a great man who's good/great with women (say that one out loud 10 times).
And now we will deep dive into how you can be a good man and do much better with women than these bad men who are bad at being men–men who are truly lost and terrible with women...
Stand Up For What's Right in Your Relationships With Women
Men have this built-in, handy dandy moral compass inside them that makes them distinguish between right and wrong. It's not a choice you can make, you SEE it with your own two eyes and feel it in your gut. There's a biological signal that ticks off within you when something is wrong and stinks to high heaven.
It's because you are protectors and have protective instincts. If you didn't understand the difference between right and wrong, you wouldn't be able to defend the woman you love from danger.
So listen to your gut. A woman will like you when you use your gut because:
It's genuine. She can tell you're being real with her and she will respect it. Women hate men who lie to them about what kind of man they are because they can't be trusted (and therefore can't protect her).
"But wait, women fall for liars all the time! They love men who play games, who cheat, who never tell the truth, who will never be faithful!"
Women fall for bad boys and men who appear to "lie" to them but these men aren't really lying at all. They're often truthful to a fault about their penchant for misdeeds and women latch on because these men have the balls to be honest about it.
You may think all he does is "sneak around" and lie and the woman is oblivious and getting fucked over but that isn't true. She more often than not knows all about it and doesn't put up a fuss. That's also about your white knight complex and naivety screaming at you about women (hello nice guy).
Women know he's bad, and mean, and unavailable, and uncommitted. He's open and honest with them about that. And women see the balls in him to conduct his life this way and they get onboard.
Women want balls, not p*ssies.
And no matter what kind of lies you want to believe about women, honesty is what they find most attractive in men. Crowder on his Instagram even posted a study that the #1 attribute women look for in men is honesty, above money, above strength, above looks.
If you are not willing to be honest about what kind of man you really are, no woman is going to want to be with you. Whether you're a good man or a bad man. And if you declare up and down you're a nice guy, in order to curry favor with women, you're a liar. And women won't want to be with you because they can't trust you.
Stay Committed to Improving Your Life
A lot of guys in the red pill will tell you to go into "monk mode" and swear off women indefinitely while you chase some ambiguous carrot towards male "perfection."
Get your money up. Get your mindset up towards having to show off material goods thinking it will impress women (beta buxxing it). Get your muscles up. Get your huge ego up that makes you look like a fake tryhard.
Many men are easily fooled by these people. But I see right through them. They are phonies. They are weak pretending to be strong. They are lonely pretending they are loved. They are celibate pretending they have sex. And they are helpless pretending to be your savior.
Men are built to withstand a lot of stress and do the hard stuff. And it's evident these men have never done anything hard in their lives that would build character.
So they resort to crafting a characterless persona online of being a ladies man when they are so angry and sexually frustrated with women they spend their lives gossiping online about them.
Wow. So impressive. Really putting in the work like a man being a keyboard warrior forever and a day complaining online about women who won't fuck them.
By contrast, the guys in my generation did everything that was hard. That was exclusively hard to men, to be exact. The war stories (that's what my brother called them) they could tell you were truly unbelievable.
So get out there and create your own war stories.
Drive somewhere you've never been before and hit on tons of chicks.
Have a plan to get your entrepreneurial endeavors off the ground and see it through.
Make long-term plans to do things you've always wanted to do but have been too afraid to try.
Men are always all about growth. All about new horizons and territory to claim. About new ideas and the spiritual expansion to achieve more. And to be more.
Be Resourceful and Take Action Towards the Outcomes You Want to Achieve and Always Remain Positive and Optimistic
I assure you, every man who is chronically single out there on the dating scene is single for some very valid reasons.
They all seem to live by this certain playbook:
- They are addicted to porn
- They don't care about their personal hygiene
- They have an entitlement complex when it comes to women and believe they are owed a relationship
- They have no impulse control nor any inclination towards long-term thinking (just eating, scrolling and jerking off)
- They have a victim complex with women (wahhh women only want CHAD meanwhile they are doing everything on this list that makes them repulsive to women)
- Not being productive in any way as men - not pushing towards finding any meaning in their lives socially, morally or spiritually
If you have arrived here in reading this blog, I'm certain you are well past any of these behaviors and bad dispositions at this juncture in your life. And you realize you need more of an edge.
This is where you start tackling those unaddressed fears you have one by one.
You get right in there and be straightforward and ask that woman out directly you've been meaning to ask out.
If you are dating a woman and it's starting to become more serious, you be proactive and make that move towards exclusivity and express to her this is what you want.
If you are in a relationship and things are stagnating or you feel she is not on the same page with you on certain things, confront the situation, communicate your needs and devise a plan to improve on your relationship.
Be actionable with women. Make a move. Solve problems. Speak up and say what's on your mind. Make plans. Make sure she's onboard. And make room in your life for all the good stuff that's coming your way when you get in there and take care of business.
This is what a GOOD man will do. Open his mouth, be heard, do something about it and get results.
The bad men out there who are telling you to do bad things to women don't have a spine. They don't have balls. They don't have any plans for the future. They don't have any strength or wherewithal to get things done the way a man should.
A man can be a good man and be very good with women. These aren't mutually exclusive. My generation is full of them. So do good things with your life and the women will latch on.
Love and Many Blessings,
Questions or comments on this column? Have an advice question you'd like answered?
Write me: lovepilled@protonmail.com