Why Men Shouldn't Cry in Front of Women - How to Properly Express Male Emotions
The nouveau trend these days is for men to emulate a chicken heart. Every film and TV commercial depicts a man as an awkward emotional sap who embodies the caricature of a vulnerable and effete bumbler.

The nouveau trend these days is for men to emulate a chicken heart. Every film and TV commercial depicts a man as an awkward emotional sap who embodies the caricature of a vulnerable and effete bumbler.
The underlying problem here is one of widespread intellectual and moral malaise and dishonesty–people on the whole aren't interested in men expressing their emotions in an effort to soothe the emotional maladies plaguing them. Rather it's a catalyst to further emasculate men resigning them to be evermore socially and sexually undesirable and powerless.
You have to ask yourself whether it serves your best interest as a man to express your emotions in a manner that's distasteful to women–because yes, crying in front of a woman barring sheer human catastrophe IS unpalatable to women.
What objective purpose does crying in front of a woman accomplish? And what are the underlying motives behind the scores of bloviating advocates who gin up male crying and emotionality and claim to "celebrate" men being emotional? Who benefits by it?
It certainly isn't men who reap the so-called "benefits" of male crying because they're made to look like disenfranchised pinheads on television. The crying simp phenomenon of the rawring 20's is spiraling out of control with no reprieve in sight. Women are leaving their husbands for convicts and unemployed drunks who fart and steal for a living to fill the masculine power void in their sex lives.
I had a gentleman ask me, "Why are women so attracted to these cold bastards? Is it because they're dominating?"
I had to tell him the truth.
"Yes, they're dominating. And they're attracted to them because they answer to no one but themselves."
And it stands to reason that people aim to provoke crying and irrationality in men to get them to answer everyone BUT themselves–give us your tears and in return we'll chip away at your manhood and rob you of your male dignity.
Masculinity is a Man's Natural Way of Expressing Emotions
If you desire to express emotions to a woman, the surefire way of accomplishing so is to be a man.
Men seeking emotional support from a woman can accomplish communicating their feelings (and a whole lot more) by being masculine. A woman is more than receptive and happy to be attentive and nurturing, kind and thoughtful, and indeed, sexually aroused and eager to please a man who is headstrong and has a grip on his reality.
Much of the time men who are emoting to women aren't doing so because they desire feminine nurturing and support. They instead desire her to react, to gain her approval, to force her to be vulnerable and open to him–to lavish him with praise and deference where he cannot achieve it otherwise.
The only way out is through. Through channeling your masculine instincts as a man you can (quite easily) persuade your woman to support you emotionally. There's no other way and women won't have it any other way.
Male Camaraderie is a Man's Natural Way of Expressing Emotions
Your buddies and your brothers are your genuine source of emotional support. Only they can help you process your emotions because only they can empathize with what it feels like to be a man enduring what men struggle with.
Women aren't keen on male psychology and don't grasp how men think or what prompts them to act and behave the way men do. You cannot expect women to understand what it feels like to be a man because they are not men.
Your circle of male friends and trusty companions will understand you and often simply being around other men and "beefing each other up" through trash talk aka male bonding is the avenue to channeling and expressing male emotions in a positive way.
Have mentors–men who have accomplished what you hope to accomplish in life among other men in your peer group who can help you navigate the world as a man. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by seeking camaraderie and male companionship and support.
Sex is a Man's Natural Way of Expressing Emotions
It's been widely known that men who are stressed and facing difficulties in their lives use sex as a release. Which is why I suspect so many men are addicted to porn in modern society–the sexual release is also a pent up and exhaustive emotional release.
Which is also a negative feedback loop that doesn't allow men to get closer to women because they are unable to fully open up physically, mentally and emotionally in having sex with a woman. Sex is crucial to men in terms of developing a healthy level of self-esteem and masculine, psychological male congruence within themselves.
You need a woman in your life of whom you can express yourself emotionally through lovemaking. Men don't want to talk or cry–they want to have sex. And the absence of sex in male/female relationships is most definitely causing men to feel trapped by their emotions and depressed to the point of helplessness in which they feel compelled to act out emotionally and irrationally.
How Can I Express My Emotions as a Man?
Have sex with a woman you love and of whom you share a deep bond.
See your buddies and talk trash in between sets and innings.
Always say what you feel instead of letting it boil and churn into anger and resentment of which is damaging to your relationships with women.
If you're truly down on yourself and you need professional help, see a therapist and see your clergyman.
A woman will fully support you as a man who channels his emotions in a healthy and masculine way. Crying and acting like a killjoy isn't going to solve your emotional problems, being a man will.
Love and Many Blessings,